Saturday, April 3, 2010

30 Things Every Man Should Have by 30

As a guy in his mid-twenties, you face a lot of pressure to make key decisions and get your life set for your future.  Being in this age and gender range you have to worry about finding things like a:

1. Good job - If you have not started a "career" yet, it is time to figure out what it is you want to do with your life. Often this is something having to do with your major in college. Personally, I think doing any one thing for 40 hours each week for the rest of my life sounds awful.  This even includes things I enjoy like sports and poker.

2. House - Generally this comes after the good job.  Sometimes this comes after a wife too. But either way, you have to start thinking about where you want to live, how you plan to afford a house, and when you want to eventually buy one.

3. Woman - You can't just date around like you did in your college days. No way my friends. Those days are way past you. If you want to be married at a reasonable age, you have to get your act together.  No more dating girls just because they are hot. No more staying single because you want to see what's out there.  The fun days are over. Now when you date someone, you have to ask yourself the question "Could I see myself marrying this person?" Scary isn't it?

Luckily, not all things that us men need to do in our 20's are as difficult as those big three decisions. Certain aspects in our lives are easier to conquer than the 3, and not as important. To see a great list of these, check out the link below, The 30 Things Every Man Should Have by 30.  Some of these are more key than others:

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